Monday, 7 April 2014

How to play all consoles games on your pc.

Many of you where trying to buy consoles yet fails to buys it at one point i.e: cheap/expensive, fake/real or with guarantee/ without guarantee. well why not try playing it in one console that is our all time favorite console PC.. ok first of let talk about how many console games we have played in our childhood..

1. sega games

2. nintendo/ nintendo wii/ nintendo wii u.
download nestopia(is it a nes emulator)

3. atrari

4. amiga pc

5. game boy

6. playstation 1/2/3/4
for play station 2 emulator click here

7. xbox/xbox 360/ xbox slim/ xbox one.

8. nvidia shield.(wait for nvidia shield tegra 4 emulator)

9. razor switchblade(wait for emulator)

10. ouya android games consoles.(wait or emulator)

11. psp (playstation portable) by sony.
 will post ps vita later..

why spend money buying all this while you can play this right at your own pc. using emulators and game using or without using DVD/flash. save games right into your computer...

1 comment:

  1. and if you know more about console games can be play on pc/mac/linux/android plz do post here
